Henan Post Codes


Zhoukou CityZhumadianYuzhou CityZhenping CountyZhongmu CountyZhengyang CountyZhecheng CountyYucheng CountyYuanyang CountyYiyang CountyYongcheng CityYushi CountyYe CountyYima CityYanshi CityYichuan CountyYingyang CityYancheng CountyYanjin CountyXuchang CountyYanling CountyXixia CountyXuchang CityXinye CountyXinzheng CityXiping CountyXiuwu CountyXinxiang CountyXin’an CountyXinmi CityXinyang CityXincai CountyXinxiang CityXiangcheng CountyXichuan CountyXiayi CountyXihua CountyXin CountyWugang CityWuyang CountyXiangcheng CityXi CountyWeihui CityWen CountyWuzhi CountyTangyin CountyTongxu CountyTongbai CountySuiping CountyTaiqian CountySuiyang DistrictTaikang CountyTanghe CountyShangshui CountySui CountyShenqiu CountySheqi CountySong CountyShangqiu CityShangcheng CountyShangjie DistrictShan CountyShangcai CountyRunan CountyRuzhou CityQueshan CountyRuyang CountySanmenxia CityQingfeng CountyPuyang CityQi CountyPuyang CountyQinyang CityNeixiang CountyPingdingshan CityNingling CountyPingqiao DistrictPingyu CountyNanle CountyNanyang CityNanzhao CountyNeihuang CountyMengjin CountyMinquan CountyLushan CountyLuyi CountyMengzhou CityMianchi CountyLuoshan CountyLushi CountyLuoyang CityLuanchuan CountyLuohe CityLinzhou CityLinying CountyLuoning CountyLankao CountyKaifeng CountyLingbao CityJun CountyKaifeng CityHui County CityJiaozuo CityHuojia CountyJia CountyJiyuan CityHuaibin CountyHuangchuan CountyHebi CityHuaiyang CountyHua CountyGushi CountyFugou CountyGongyi CityFengqiu CountyGuangshan CountyDancheng CountyFangcheng CountyDengzhou CityFan CountyDengfeng CityBiyang CountyBaofeng CountyChangge CityChangyuan CountyBoai CountyAnyang CityAnyang County

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Finding the postal codes you need for your post is as simple as few clicks. First select your country of choice to be taken to a list of the administrative divisions of that country. Then select the area where you are trying to send your letter for a list of the available zip codes for that area.

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