Shandong Post Codes


Zoucheng CityZouping CountyZhucheng CityZhaoyuan CityZichuan DistrictZibo CityZhoucun DistrictYuncheng CountyYutai CountyZaozhuang CityZhangqiu CityZhanhua CountyYishui CountyYicheng DistrictYinan CountyYiyuan CountyYucheng CityYanggu CountyYangxin CountyYantai CityXintai CityXuecheng DistrictWenshang CountyXiajin CountyWucheng CountyWulian CountyWudi CountyWeifang CityWeishan CountyWeihai CityWendeng CitySishui CountyTai’an CityTaierzhuang DistrictTancheng CountyTengzhou CityShanting DistrictShen CountyShouguang CityRizhao CityRongcheng CityRushan CityShan CountyShanghe CountyQufu CityQixia CityPingyuan CountyQihe CountyQingyun CountyQingdao CityQingzhou CityPingdu CityPingyi CountyPenglai CityPingyin CountyMuping DistrictMengyin CountyNingjin CountyNingyang CountyLinyi CountyLinshu CountyLinyi CityLinzi DistrictLongkou CityLiaocheng CityLinqing CityLinqu CountyLiangshan CountyLaizhou CityLeling CityLijin CountyLing CountyLaiyang CityLaoshan DistrictLaixi CityJunan CountyKenli CountyJuye CountyLaiwu CityJinxiang CountyJuancheng CountyJining CityJiyang CountyJu CountyJiaonan CityJiaxiang CountyJinan CityJimo CityJiaozhou CityHuangdao PrefectureHuimin CountyHekou DistrictHuantai CountyHeze CityGuangrao CountyGuan CountyGaotang CountyHaiyang CityHanting DistrictFushan DistrictGaoqing CountyFei CountyGaomi CityFeicheng CityFangzi DistrictDongming CountyDongying CityDonga CountyDongping CountyChengwu CountyDezhou CityDingtao CountyChangyi CityChiping CountyChangqing PrefectureChangle CountyCangshan CountyCao CountyChangdao CountyAnqiu CityBoshan DistrictBoxing CountyBinzhou City

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How to find a Zip Code

Finding the postal codes you need for your post is as simple as few clicks. First select your country of choice to be taken to a list of the administrative divisions of that country. Then select the area where you are trying to send your letter for a list of the available zip codes for that area.

Not sure of the country or the administrative division to choose? Or your country/region is missing in the list? Try entering the address into the search at the top of the page to lookup the right code to use. Also available, try using our country map to find your needed zip/postal code.