Yunnan Post Codes


Zhenxiong CountyZhenyuan CountyZhaotong CityZhanyi CountyZhenkang CountyYuxi CityYun CountyYunlong CountyYuanyang CountyYongsheng CountyYuanmou CountyYongren CountyYingjiang CountyYongshan CountyYongde CountyYongping CountyYao’an CountyYanjin CountyYiliang CountyYanshan CountyYimen CountyXimeng Wa Autonomous CountyXinping CountyXichou CountyXuanwei CityXundian Hui Yi Autonomous CountyWeixin CountyXiangyun CountyWeixilili Autonomous CountyWenshan CountyWuding CountyThai Yuanjiang Hani Ethnic CountyTengchong CountyWeishan Yi Hui Autonomous CountySuijiang CountyTonghai CountyShuangbai CountySongming CountyShuangjiang Bulang Dai Wa Lahu Autonomous CountyShuifu CountySimao CityRuili CityShidian CountyShiping CountyShilin CountyShizong CountyPingbian Miao Autonomous CountyPu’er Hani And Yi Autonomous CountyQujing CityQiubei CountyQiaojia CountyMuding CountyNanhua CountyNanjian Yi Autonomous CountyNinglang CountyNujiangzhouMojiang Hani Autonomous CountyMenglian Dai And Wa La Hu Ethnic Autonomous CountyMile CountyMidu CountyMengzi CountyMalong CountyMalipo CountyMaguan CountyMengla CountyMenghai CountyLuliang CountyLushui CountyLuquan CountyLuoping CountyLuxi CountyLongchuan CountyLudian CountyLufeng CountyLincang CityLongling CountyLuchun CountyLanping Bai Pumi Autonomous CountyLijiang CityKunming CityLianghe CountyJinning CountyJuglans Yi Autonomous CountyJinghong CityJinggu Dai And Yi Autonomous CountyKaiyuan CityJianchuan CountyJiangchuan CountyJingdong Yi Autonomous CountyJiangcheng Hani And Yi Autonomous CountyJianshui CountyHuize CountyHu La Lacang Ethnic Autonomous CountyHuaning CountyHonghe CountyHuaping CountyGuangnan CountyGuandu DistrictHeqing CountyGongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous CountyHekou Yao Autonomous CountyFuning CountyGejiu CityFuyuan CountyFumin CountyGengma Wa Ethnic Autonomous CountyDongchuan DistrictFengqing CountyEryuan CountyFugong CountyDiqingzhouDali CityDayao CountyDeqin CountyDehongzhouDai Yao Jinping Miao Autonomous CountyChangning CountyChenggong CountyDaguan CountyChuxiong CityChengjiang CountyBaoshan CityCangyuan Wa Autonomous CountyBinchuan CountyAsan Yi Autonomous CountyAnning City

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